Saturday, March 6, 2010

March updates...

What an exciting month March is turning out to be so far... firstly we have received orders for "Meet the Bumblejums" from Shorne Woods Country Park in Kent and also from the Eden Project in Cornwall.  (The Worlds larget Greenhouse and eco-visitor attraction with 1.2 Million visitors per annum!) We think the Bumblejums will feel right at home there!

Secondly "Meet the Bumblejums" is now officially launched on itunes so you can listen to snippets before you download. We have been getting some very nice reviews on the album, with parents saying it is improving car journeys accross the UK and Ireland! Please add your feedback when you listen or download and pass the word on!

We have also set up a Bumblejums Twitter account so you can keep upto date with goings on in Bally Bo via the wonderfulness of twitter..