Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's Halibo all about?

Well it's all about the environment really. Sitting on a plane several months ago, thinking about how nice the clouds looked, (yes I was tired and the mind was wandering) I got to thinking about a place where we might act as guardians of the environment rather than careless consumers of its resources, hence Halibo. Home of the Bumblejums..

Growing up, I never considered the global environment as a living breathing co-dependant eco-system, cause and effect etc. Sure I liked nature, trees, life in general but never really thought further than that.

Halibo is where everything works in synch with nature. Teaching children about respecting the nature and the consequences of not doing is at the heart of Halibo. This generation is not going to be here forever and it makes sense to get the next generation thinking about the important stuff as soon as possible. Who knows one little genius may grow up and save the planet..

We'll be putting more up about the Bumblejums and Halibo as things grow. Come and visit us http://www.bumblejums.com/ and thanks to Michael Collins for suggesting we do one of these..!