Saturday, January 26, 2008

Anyway the wind blows....

And now on to Jay... the one who makes the wind blow faster or slower!

Useful trick if you have a field full of windmills to keep moving.. Jays windmills come in many colors and provide another valuable source of power for Halibo.

Jay is the youngest of the family and as you might imagine, being the youngest, he has a slight disposition towards daydreaming. He likes spending time gazing through his telescope or looking up at the clouds thinking about all the things one thinks of when gazing at the sky!

Unlike the rest of us mere mortals however, he is able to make things a little more interesting for himself by actually getting the clouds to change to whatever shape he fancies!

What's not to love about little Jay...

Some brief news, our website is nearly ready! Very exciting... Check back soon.
