Saturday, November 10, 2007

So who Are the Bumblejums...?

Ever wondered if there is anyone looking out for us, looking out for the world? Someone to keep an eye and make sure we treat the world with respect? Someone to help us understand why it's important to be responsible towards the environment?

Well that's where the Bumblejums come in.. and who they are.

The Bumblejums are Guardians of the Environment, a family, a team, friends. They work together and play together and they know the value of treating the environment with respect.

They live in a little cottage deep in Dandy forest in the land of Halibo. Each character has a special power linked to nature and uses their power for good. Goodness knows they are needed for there are things afoot which sometimes need a little intervention!

We'll meet them all soon, but let's meet Bumble Jo first.

Jo looks after the water, keeps it clean and makes sure it's not wasted. We all need clean water to drink. The plants and flowers need it to grow. They need a drink too! She is the big sister of the family and keeps the others in line when chores need doing! You can be sure that Jo is always there for advice, when there is a problem to solve, Jo will know what to do!